共為你找到:200筆2013 happy 4 k pop concert in taiwan 相關企業資訊
一、公司簡介 公司自民國79年成立,期初以研發為主,至85年起配合電力公司及電信局監控業務, 蓬勃發展至今擴充為人員100人以上之公司。 Controlnet was built up in May, 1990 and registered in Taiwan area with a registered capital at NT$80,000,000 in 2002. There are more than 90 employees in Taiwan and 100 in the mainland. Controlnet is one of the leader companies in China in the field of professional SCADA application. It is successful to accomplish monitoring and control management systems to save cost and ensure safety and administration for many industries and buildings. It did save the human, material power resources for power company and telecommunication companies. In those projects, they recovered their investment cost within two years. Those were: - Monitoring Control in thousand for Telecom Base of Power Equipments with hierarchical structure in wide area; - Power SCADA Systems for High Voltage/Super High Voltage Stations in Taiwan Power Company; - Automatic Monitoring Control System for Manufacture Processes; - Sewage plant disposal Process control Monitoring; - Elevator/Lift control system; - Remote Video Surveillance System for Safety in MPEG-4.
台灣元美有限公司成立於1980年。 台灣元美從事電玩產業已有20多年的時間,創立之初從電玩木箱廠做起,進而從事整體機台的設計、研發與製造。 在台灣電玩產業的激烈競爭中,台灣元美的機台零組件用的都是台灣貨。 Made in Taiwan 是我們對產品品質的堅持與信心。由於對品質的要求與對客戶的信用與服務熱誠,台灣元美現今已是中部海線唯一一家成立超過20年的專業電玩機台製造業者。 台灣元美在近10年的時間大都以外銷市場為主,我們的客戶除了大陸、東南亞,在中南美洲的智利、薩爾瓦多、哥斯大黎加等地都有我們的產品遍佈,並且穩定成長中。
Min Yan was founded in 1980, and has been positioning as a leading game design group in Taiwan. We have been striving for developing our own mark for all these years, and we made it! Due to reasonable price and sufficient entertainment, out sales record has always been outstanding. TSK, our trademark represents Technology Support Kingdom which also tells our second aim that is to offer best after-care service with professional skilled RD. employees with international marketing and management. In order to innovating and making breakthrough, we design the one and only game to fit in with the local market as required from clients. The high quality of our products has made us one of the well-know game design company and the products are popular in many foreign countries. Owing to T.S.K has accumulated many hit products, which helped cultivated solid RD strength, experience and transplanting technology. That’s why we can help our clients to gain the most profit with our products.
ZEITEC is a leading touch solution provider, based in TAIWAN and US and founded in Setemper 2009. Founders of ZEITEC have over 12 years experience in mixed mode SOC IC design and over 4 years experience in developing and producing on the fields of touch pad and touch key controller. ZEITEC has two business units, touch key BU and touch panel BU. The former specializes in touch key solutions, ZET8234 low cost solution. The touch panel BU is developing ZET6221 capacitive ITO touch panel controller.
(SKF集團)總部設立於瑞典哥特堡,是軸承科技與製造的領導者。Sven Wingquist在1905年發明了雙列自動對心滾珠軸承,隨即於1907年創立Svenska Kullargerfabriken瑞典滾珠軸承製造公司,簡稱SKF,目前擁有200家分公司、80家製造廠、41,000位員工和8,000家代理商和經銷商。SKF於2007年4月併購國際直線,成為SKF旗下Actuation Motion Control的一員。Actuation Motion Control從事線性滑軌及線性傳動系統之生產。本公司擁有優秀的經營團隊,秉持著『專業團隊、創新研發、成果分享』的經營理念,除具優異的競爭力外,更追求企業永續經營及成長;除整體營運穩定外,業務成長及獲利狀況也逐年提昇,名列國內績優廠商之一。我們重視每一位同仁,除提供良好工作環境,也具備學習及成長的空間,歡迎有工作熱忱及追求自我提升/規劃與抱負的優秀朋友一起加入國際直線科技股份有限公司的工作行列一齊成長與分享。 We are leading manufacturer and supplier of self-lubricant Linear Motion and Ball Screw in Taiwan. Through the years, we have gained the reputation as one of premier manufacturer in the worldwide. Our professional products and patent designs have gained the symbol of being the creative and most professional company by the Award of Creative Innovation Prize, the Rising Star Award、National Business Start-up Award and Taiwan Symbol of Excellence Winner in 2002. With 20 years experiences in linear motion manufacturing, ABBA Linear Tech is well known by his brand name ABBA in the worldwide. We have built the global channels, including Mainland China (Shanghai Branch), Italy, Germany, England, France, USA, Korea, Canada, Australia and Brazil…etc. If you need any further information or comments, please feel free to contact us. Actuation Motion Control located at Tu-Cheng Industrial Park Sin-dian City, Taipei County. Customer service is not just words to us, but a commitment the is the foundation of our company
大師管理顧問企業集團: Master Global 創立于西元2003年. 主要的成員多為資深的產業顧問與行銷超級業務, 對各種產業的市場 經營與管理多有多年的經驗!! 本著企業經營的六大管理循環,為企業提供完善的顧問服務. 1.生產管理 2.銷售管理 3.人力資源管理 4.研發管理 5.財務管理 6.資訊管理 量化管理 , 標準化管理 , 時間管理 做事的方法: 公司管理: P.D.C.A (plan計畫 , do執行 ,check檢討 ,action改善) 個人管理: P.D.C.A (plan計畫 , do執行 ,check檢討 ,action改善) M.I.T (made in taiwan) 因為P DCA 變成高品質的代名詞 Master 超強的產品與行銷企劃團隊,引領成功快速市場佔有率, 目前有30幾種產品,分屬不同的領域, 有教育類,有地產類, 有電信類,有餐飲類, 好的產品才是企業的靈魂, 業務的生財工具. Master Global的最高指導方針 敢顛覆傳統,創造流行~~ 用"目標"引領你不斷的前進~~ 行動辦公室, 本公司全面採用美國顧問業, 行動辦公室, 人性化管理, 適合自律性高者. 雲端科技.....全部在網路上完成...求職者請詳讀相關公司網站 Master Global是本者對企業的管理理念, 開發出一系列的產品,以一站式 服務ONE STOP SERVICE,作為對客戶服務的概念,並建立起自己的行銷組織. 企業經營方針: 全球最大的顧問公司是邁肯錫企管顧問, 全球100大的企業有70%是他的客戶 大師管理顧問目標客戶族群: 全球3000大企業,提供客戶完善的顧問服務 企業個人管理文化,類似google上班,工作完了玩,玩完了工作 google認為遊玩可開發大腦的創造力, 所以最好是80%的時間工作,20%的時間遊玩 http://blog.xuite.net/connielee_yh/blog/17025288 團隊理念: 停止抱怨,計劃成功,放下本我,虛心學習, 不談個人,只談團隊,為成功找方法, 不要為失拜找理由. 新店有HTC (宏達電) , LUXGEN(裕隆汽車),通用 .....還有Master.....等.."全球品牌" 做好心裡準備, 迎接全球化的競爭.... 邁肯錫顧問一年賺600萬 Master 顧問設定一年賺300萬 賺不到的要自動離職 關係企業: www.masterconsultant.us www.q-link.us www.q-link.asia www.bestbed.com.tw www.dannyholding.com www.q-linkcom.com 本公司正在急速擴充, 急需行動力強的人才加入, 快速升遷, 開會地點:新店碧潭捷運總站, 信義區華納威秀
【實現Made in Taiwan】 大瓏成立於1987年,專業於醫療電動手術刀與電動醫療線材之製造與銷售;經過20年的努力經營,大瓏已在全球的電動醫療器材界闖出名號,為全球電燒筆刀產品(ESU-Electro Surgical Unit)最大供應商,其銷售量已達全球25%。大瓏的主要客戶涵蓋了歐美等區域,當初懷抱著要在台灣產製醫療器材精品的理想,如今隨著在行銷全球成品包裝上印上Made in Taiwan而實現。 大瓏的經營項目從簡單的產品OEM擴展到目前的ODM及自行開發自創品牌,品質上更達到世界一流大廠免檢直接入發貨倉庫的高標準要求;在品質系統認證上已通過: FDA QSR , DNV ISO 13485, 台灣 GMP , JGMP等認證,另外在產品上市審查方面已完成 : FDA 510(k), CE marking, 台灣產品查驗登記, 日本販售許可等,建立起與全球各區域產業精英的夥伴關係。 【敦厚待人的精神,全球化的經營視野】 以誠為本的企業文化是大瓏經營的首要核心價值之一,不論是對公司員工、供應廠商及客戶等,抱持待人以誠、處處同理心為對方設想,是最基本的處世精神;這樣基本的價值觀,養成大瓏人凡事均以正向思考面對問題、負起責任、解決問題的積極態度,與全球客戶建立起難能可貴的深厚互信基礎。 【與領導廠商往來,學習一流產業知識】 大瓏的客戶大部份皆是全球前10大廠商或為歐美領導廠商(如 Tyco Healthcare, JJ, Philips 等……),各自對其產品策略及市場定位皆有明確的定義,並領先市場開發出新產品及技術;透過合作可以與客戶共同成長,更可以讓自己的組織建立起與大企業相近的文化特質及流程;整體組織運作流程的規劃及產品知識都在合作過程中學習並昇華內化為自己的知識,這也是大瓏能持續成長的關鍵因素。 【長期深耕電動醫療耗材,建立獨特競爭優勢】 大瓏一開始即進入電動醫療器材領域,並發展出各式電動醫療器材之耗材,不僅在核心產品具有規模經濟,也建立起此領域的範疇經濟。如今大瓏不僅專精於電燒刀筆的生產,更具備整體電動醫療相關耗材及所屬配件的生產能力;近來更致力將產品類品擴充發展至骨科及AED(自動體外心臟電擊器)耗材之相關產品,以充份發揮多年來累積之技術能力。 因多數電動醫療器材為手術房內使用之侵入人體的產品,在FDA產品的分級屬高階,因此驗證的法規要求相當繁複嚴格,故此領域的專業知識建立不易,但大瓏已長期深耕經營,所以累積的知識與能力已成為獨特的競爭優勢。 【重要記事】 1985 於美國加洲成立New Deantronics CA, Ltd. 1986 於台灣台北縣新店市成立大瓏企業股份有限公司New Deantronics Taiwan, Ltd. 1996 通過勞氏 國際ISO9002 認證 1998 Reliant產品取得美國專利其他產品陸續取得美國FDA 510K 註冊 1998 通過英國BSI EN46002認證 1999 通過DNV 國際ISO13485認證 2000 通過DNV 國際ISO9001/EN46001 2000 通過歐洲CE Mark 認證 2001 委託工研院共同開發生產自動化設備 2002 通過中華民國衛生署GMP認証 2004 成立等級屬國內頂級之微生物實驗室,並通過中華民國實驗室認證體系CNLA認證 2006 當選中華民國經濟部i-Bench標竿企業 2006 委託翔勝公司共同開發生產自動化設備 2006 於美國科羅拉多洲成立New Deantronics Colorado, Ltd. 2007 在台灣擴充自有廠房約至2000坪 2007 取得中華民國無違反勞動法令證明 2007 通過中華民國行政院勞委會【友善職場】認證 2008 獲得經濟部工業局【協助傳統產業技術開發計畫】最高額補並獲得執行範例 2008 獲得經濟部中小企業處小巨人獎 2009 獲得經濟部中小企業處第十八屆國家磐石獎 2009 獲得經濟部中小企業處第十六屆研發創新獎 2009 董事長獲得青創總會第三十二屆創業楷模獎
Winic corporation was established in 1987, we manufacture a wide range products at our own factories here in Taiwan and control the manufacturing and the supply. In twenty years, we kept developing new items and show them up in the market. To offer the more competitive price of the products, we get them make in China and the quality of the products all fit to the clients inquiry as well. The ROHS products for environmental protection are the major emphasis we have engaged in recently. Our products are in four categories.(For more details, please surf on our website: http://www.winic.com) 1. PCI and PCI express Add-On Card Products. 2. USB 2.0 and IEEE 1394 Products. 3. PCMCIA and PCMCIA express/Card bus Products. 4. Cable Accessories. We are expected to design and research new items to satisfy all customers and markets requirements in the future. Winic provides the most competitive USB Cable and Ethernet Cable for clients, hence they returned more profits. You will get more returns; just place the orders with Winic! Our company is ISO9001 certified, and we welcome OEM and ODM orders and also develop new products as you need.
公司都以電源類的產品為主軸 產品的技術與專利在世界市場中甚為先進 一是:各種多功能充電機,無線充電器,微發電機,太陽能Inverter 。 二是:UPS(不斷電系統) ..等創新產品。 企業藉由創新產品的發展,增加附加價值, 繼而使參與其中的每個成員找到自我價值,並惜緣惜福共創未來。 歡迎住深坑、木柵、新店等附近的優秀人才加入我們! Winstream power brand UPS are engineered and manufactured in our production offices in Taiwan, and supplied to OEM/ODM dealers worldwide, delivering superior quality, yet affordable uninterruptible power supplies with post sales support and marketing assistance designed specifically to each customers needs and requirements. We can even custom manufacture UPS according to your engineering specifications Our award winning range of online, standby, and line interactive UPS are ideally tailored to protect your computer workstations, LANs, hospital devices, telecommunication, traffic control and more. Our dedication to quality has been driven by our commitment We back what we sell. Our experienced service team is ready and available around the clock to offer complete technical support. ●公司產品與營業項目: 1 新型多功能充電機系列 2 微型發電機系列 3 MP3,PEN DRIVE 系列 4 無線充電系列 上班地點過信義快速線十份鐘到,交通非常方便。在木柵交流道旁假日飯店餘對面 歡迎個性積極負責人士加入行列!
成立於2000年4月 主要經營項目以興建廠辦為主 本公司近期新建之台灣各大企業(彰濱工業區、美德醫療集團、頂晶科技、凱聚股份、福田農場…等)之廠房新建工程。 近期興建之海外工程有柬埔寨-曼哈頓工業特區,目前尚有曼哈頓工業特區二期、美國杜邦紡織廠等大型工程在進行中。 Established in April, 2000. Major productions: Standard workshops, Industry Factories. Owners of our as-built industry factories in Taiwan last few years: MEDTECS, ZhangBin Industry, Fukuda Farm, Tynsolar, KPT Industries Ltd….etc. The projects completed ongoing in Cambodia and Vietnam: PhaseⅠof Manhattan Special Economical zone,Cambodia . DuPon Industry Factory in Cambodia. Phase Ⅱof Manhattan Special Economical zone, Cambodia
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